
Achieving Editing Excellence Through Customer Service

  • A good editor is a fly in amber in our time just like a good online editing service. Many have much to offer, free features along with professional workers, affordable rates and precise delivery. What they do not care much is a human factor. Service should be in the first place. This is how things are in our company. 
  • The thing is that high quality service is like prime frontman. When he sees action, the rest of a team starts to play better and the team wins. Human interaction remains memorable long after, not an electronic device therefore we do not use an option of a voicemail. A customer making a call and told to wait automatically puts the service aside and is unlikely to call again later. It gives a feeling as if the company is too busy, as if there are too many customers with too many queries in the progress. 
  • Customers will always value thoughtful, polite service provided by live people. They will smile at you refer to them by their names, furnish with information or provide a service. They will keep telling everyone they know about friendly, attentive service they were provided with and about members of staff ready to help, who know what they are doing and doing it with pleasure. 
  • John Tschohl, the author of the book called Achieving Excellence Through Customer Service, told a story in his book about paying a visit to the same fuel filling station for 4 years in a row. He says that the member of the staff knew his name from the credit card but not called him even once by a name. All the rest of employees knew him in the face just as well but never greeted with a nod at least. Eventually he simply decided to change the fuel filling station and began using services of others. 
  • Service strategy → sales → profit → cost-effectiveness. At the average, a customer tells 5 people about good service and 9-10 people if the service was bad. This is called oral advertising. It is an excellent argument in favor of efforts focused on customer`s satisfaction. Most significantly, there also has to be a suggestion-and-complaint system included. It is always better to apply with complains if any to the company directly instead of complaining to the whole world. Feel free to suggest your ways out of situation occurred. We are all ear to listen to your queries and help you on the way of solving your problem.


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